Thursday, May 14, 2009


In response to Mai Phan discussion about legalizing casinos and gambling in Texas. Her article was fun to read as she incorporated various poker terms into her statements. I agree that if we do legalize gambling in Texas is like legalizing drugs. Both gambling and drugs are very addicting and harmful to the users. She also brings up a good point that gambling could raise crime rates, bankruptcies, domestic violence, and suicides. With this she demonstrates the short and long term effects of gambling in Texas.

Her statement about Chase Bank becoming a giant Walmart for gamblers is true if it does happen. The feeling of swiping a credit card is addicting enough. Now incorporating this with gambling and it will be twice as addicting, thus making it two times harder to break away. That feeling will also drive you two times faster in debt twice as hard also. I am also against the legalization of gambling in Texas.

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