Thursday, May 14, 2009

Click it or Ticket.

As lame as it sounds Texas willsoon pass a law that those who do not wear a seat belt in the car, would receive at $25-$50 fine. Although, I do feel that this is necessary and I can see the point of view with this law. It's not really hard to buckle a seat belt now people. Even though you're the safest driver around chances are the person hitting you is not a good driver. Thus, wearing a seat belt is to lower the chances of death and to save lives. Mike Johnson explained, "It’s to much Big Government for me. Somebody said there was a time when you could make your own decisions, without having the government tell you what to do on everything." Obviously, people aren't buckling up enough that the government had to step in and lay it down.

Honestly people, it's not that hard to put on seat belts.

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